Ausstellung Letohallen (N) 08.08.2020

Trollnuffens Artige Sofus Ice

Katalognr: 160
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Rony Doedijns (NL)
Bericht: 2 years male, g size and type, a nice topline when standing, well dev body for age, normaly constr for ang and balance in front, a bit sick of hook behind, tailcarr is to much over back on move, mask hed, a bit open lip, med brown eyes, suff soft expr, nice overall cond, well presented, could do with more drive on the move.

Modumpotenes Inga Duppedittdottir

Katalognr: 161
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Rony Doedijns (NL)
Bericht: Elegant bitch, nice length of legs and g substance, would pref more spring of rib, norm ang in front and rear, g topline, fem head w nice prop muzzel and scull, dark brown eyecolor, fem expr, easy mover w g extens and drive, not in full coat today, lovely temerament and presentation.